
E-Commerce Platforms: A Gateway for Small Business Growth

If you're a small business that hasn't utilized the benefits of E-commerce platforms, you can start today. Implementing E-commerce grants significant returns for your investment and helps you scale at an unprecedented ...

Improving Employee Productivity

"I was at work for eight hours, but I don't feel like I got anything done!" If your employees say things like this or seem to struggle to meet their goals or ...

The Cost-Effective Advantage: How Remote Work Saves Money for Small Businesses

Working from home has become a buzzword, though it's still somewhat controversial for small business owners who weigh the costs involved. Still, if you want to understand how remote work saves money ...

The Benefits of Online Advertisement for Small Businesses

As a small business owner, growing your brand and gaining new customers remains one of the most important issues to tackle. Small business online visibility makes a huge difference in whether you're ...

Protecting Your Business From Deepfake Technology

Have you ever noticed movies where a scene flashes back to an actor’s younger version? Before 2017, they used a lookalike—a real person playing a role—but that world is gone now. Digital ...

Customer Engagement 101: Best Practices for Small Businesses Using Email Platforms

As a small business owner, you already prize customer engagement. It's a primary factor in creating a loyal consumer base and increasing your sales, but what's the secret to getting these interactions ...

AT&T Attack Reveals 73 Million Customer Records Exposed On The Dark Web

In a statement released by the largest telecommunications company in the United States, AT&T, they shared that they recently discovered a dataset for sale on the “dark web” that contained information for ...

The Safest Way To Shop For Mother’s Day Online

Are you planning on buying gifts for the special women in your life for Mother’s Day? If you shop online, there are a few ways to do it SAFELY. During the holidays, ...

10 Things Great IT Providers Always Do

What sets high-quality, reliable IT support apart from mediocre or substandard support? Is it lower prices? Flat-fee service? At , we believe there are many deciding factors that separate even the good ...

Cyber-Attack Takes Omni Hotels & Resorts Offline; Here’s How To Travel Safely

Another day, another cyber-attack! In early April, Omni Hotels & Resorts was the victim of a cyber-attack that brought down the entire IT system and led to a company-wide outage. The organization ...


Progressive Computing